Canadian Taxpayers Federation calls on Premier Higgs to recommit to no carbon tax or cost hikes

Author: 2018/11/21

HALIFAX, NS: Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) Atlantic Director Paige MacPherson is praising New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs for joining the court battle against Ottawa’s carbon tax, but calling on him to recommit to his election promise to stop the carbon tax and cost hikes following Tuesday’s Speech from the Throne.

“We’re calling on the premier to recommit to not raise taxes or costs on New Brunswickers through any form of carbon tax or carbon plan,” said MacPherson.

Tuesday’s Throne Speech stated the New Brunswick government would “develop an alternative to the federal government’s bureaucratic, expensive carbon tax.” On Nov. 16, Higgs told media he was working on a “backup plan” to submit to the federal government.

“Developing an alternative plan to the carbon tax suggests the premier is cooking up a carbon tax or cost hike of his own,” said MacPherson. “We hope the premier will clarify his position. Fighting the carbon tax was Higgs’ most important election promise and he must honour it fully.”  

The day after being sworn in as premier, following an election which Higgs characterized as a “referendum on the carbon tax,” Higgs told media he would meet with the federal government to hear their carbon tax presentation.

During the election, Higgs promised to refund any money taken by Ottawa’s carbon tax by cutting taxes. The Letter from the Leader in the New Brunswick Progressive Conservative platform promised the carbon tax wouldn’t cost New Brunswickers money.

“Cutting provincial taxes to ease the blow of Ottawa’s carbon tax while fighting it demonstrated a clear commitment,” said MacPherson. “We commend the premier for joining the court battle. But imposing an alternative carbon plan is not the same as cutting taxes – in fact, it sounds like a potential tax hike. Higgs should fight Ottawa’s carbon tax in every way, legally and politically.”

According to the National Energy Board, New Brunswick has already met its 2030 emissions reductions targets, 13 years ahead of schedule.

“Any plan that increases taxes, spending or costs for New Brunswickers is a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” said MacPherson. “New Brunswickers have done their part and they can’t afford anymore taxes. The premier should recommit to fighting the carbon tax, full stop.”

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For more information:

CTF Atlantic Director Paige MacPherson
cell: 902-717-7078, email: [email protected]

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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